Friday, April 1, 2016

#colorplay friday 4.1.2016

Rose Petals by Laurel Poppy and Pine

This week I decided to choose embroidery fibers.  I've really had embroidery projects on the brain lately. 

1. Bathtubstudios - Pearl 5 Cotton
2. Weeks Dye works - Azaleas
3.Yarnplayer - Embroidery floss in Neapolitan
4. Weeks Dye Works - Rose Quartz
5.PrairieGarden - Crewel Embroidery Fiber in cool blue water

I think this cross stitch quilt panel would look fabulous in these  variegated colors.

Jennifer at

Search #colorplayfriday on Instagram for previous colorplay themes
If you would like to join in visit Lorinda or Trina for more info.


  1. How neat that you used embroidery floss this week! I love embroidery floss even though I don't use it very often.

  2. This was unexpected and a lot of fun to see! I was wondering how it would turn out if someone did something other than fabrics... its fantastic!

  3. I like you palette, we were working the same ideas. I would love to see you bundle in that panel!
